

Friday, November 11, 2011

Raised Ranch House Plans by Architects Magnus

Raised Ranch House Plans by Architects Magnus

Digging in again

New Blog about Garden

I frequently post on Facebook about my gardening but as many on FB know it doesn't lend itself to returning to a post once it's more than a few days old. And everything I read is always encouraging me to keep a Garden Journal. However, in today's multimedia "landscape" and since I'm often uploading pictures, watching YouTube videos for how-to, ordering plants on line and such, it does seem to make a lot of sense to keep a journal as a blog. I do write and sketch but I even do most of my garden layout online on and entire home landscape so far on So the online blog begins.

The other reason for this blog is to document how gardening has become one of my coping mechanisms for recurring fatigue, pain and stress. It has fed my soul at times I really needed an outlet. I believe digging especially to be highly therapeutic so I also dedicate this blog to the digging we do daily to improve our lives and the weeds and other toxic things and people we need to permanently remove lest they return again and again.