This is an aerial of Skippy's garden. I wish I could take pictures of mine this way. That's another thing to add to the renovation list, a window to look down on my garden so I can take aerial photos.
The first garden in 2009 was a disaster of weeds and clay. Thanks to the internet and the many gardening books my research lead me to raised bed gardening and it's been a joy since. My family growing up always had a garden so when I married and moved to this home it was the natural thing to do. It's become a place of healing and better therapy then I ever imagined. It's constantly evolving and spreading and may soon include more of the front yard. Watch out neighbors!
Not my garden, I wish I had such a view of my garden. This is Skippy's Garden which is a great blog I follow. My view is just the back 9 see time to remove the straw. So have to add windows to this side of house as part of the RENOVATION!