

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spring Planting Calendar via Skippy's Garden

On-line Vegetable Garden Planting Calendar � SVG

Enter the date of your last spring frost (mm/dd/yyyy)

LAST SPRING FROST (e.g. 05/10/2009)
Use the date of the latest spring frost in your garden in the past 5 years or so. If you don't know this, use the date from Burpee or NOAA. For year, enter this year - 2009.

Sow onion, celery and celeriac seeds indoors (11 weeks before last frost).
Sow broccoli, kale, cool weather lettuce, escarole, eggplant and thyme seeds indoors (9 weeks before last frost).
Sow pepper seeds indoors (keep temp above 78*F for germination). Also sow indoors marigold, parsley, basil and beet seeds. (8 weeks before last frost).
Start watching the soil for the first direct planting! As soon as the soil can be worked its time to sow peas, fava beans, arugula and radish directly in the garden (up to 6 or 7 weeks before last frost). (Note: In warmer climates, where the soil doesn't freeze, this tool may not give an appropriate pea planting date. Check with local gardeners for best date.)
Sow tomato seeds indoors. Sow cabbage seeds indoors. (6 weeks before last frost).
Transplant lettuce, broccoli and kale seedlings into the garden (use row cover if necessary). Sow more cool-weather lettuce seed indoors. (4 weeks before last frost).
Sow pumpkin, cucumber and zinnia seeds indoors. (3 weeks before last frost).
Sow summer squash, watermelon and melon seeds indoors. Sow 2nd planting of peas directly in the garden. I'm going to try a 2nd tomato sowing (indoors in pots) in case the spring is very wet again. (2 weeks before last frost).
Sow 2nd cool-weather lettuce crop, more beets, spinach indoors or in garden. (1 week before last frost).
Sow directly in garden seeds for sunflowers, nasturtiums, carrots, parsnips. Plant potatoes, onions sets. Plant 2nd crop of radish. (Week of last frost).
Transplant tomatoes to garden. Plant seeds for corn, beans and soy beans directly in garden. (1 week after last frost).
Sow 3rd cool-weather lettuce crop indoors or in garden. Transplant peppers, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers and melons to the garden if the soil is well warmed. (2 weeks after last frost).
Sow warm-weather lettuce crop (Summer Crisp type) indoors or in garden. Sow 2nd crop of beans, 3rd crop of radish in garden. (5 weeks after last frost).
Sow 2nd warm-weather lettuce crop (Summer Crisp type) indoors or in garden (8 weeks after last frost).
Sow 3rd warm-weather lettuce crop (Summer Crisp type) indoors or in garden. Sow 3rd crop of beans, 4th crop of radish in garden. (11 weeks after last frost).

Complete culture information for individual vegetables.

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